Tuesday, September 15, 2009

How to Blow Yourself Past the Recession!

Times are tough all over on account of the recession, and people are doing anything they can in order to make a buck . Some tend to do the sensible thing, like our mother did right before our little sister's quinceanera. They'll force you to go around your school and ask every teacher if they want to buy tamales (true story).

Others are less traditional and fall under the "holy crap, you must be out of your fucking mind! This is batshit insane" category. Take Dave "The Bullet" Smith, whose nickname was earned not because of any sexual prowess but because he is in actuality a human bullet. Dave feeds his kids and pays his mortgage by getting launched out of a 90 foot cannon into the air. His suggestion for riding out one of the worst economic downturns of the century is to find a job that no one wants to do and stick to it. Real sound financial advice there, Dave, but Anyguey will stick to making dick and fart jokes. So what's the moral of the story? People will pay you good money to sacrifice your self-respect and dignity for their amusement. Just ask our little brother how much cash he made after eating that urinal cake. Well, ask him after he gets his stomach pumped.